my birthday =) - ieyra.com

my birthday =)

10:31 am

My birthday on 3 August 1988 and this is all messages and wisshes from my lovers:

Razman says; “happy birthday to u” --> thanks 4 da wish.

Nazra says; “happy birthday” --> thanks a lot. Hadiah jgn di lupa.

Nurul says; “happy birthday…semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki” --> terima kasih cik robot!

Abg hafiz called me --> thanx abg coz sudi nyanyi lagu birthday. Terharu azie =)

Afiq called me --> thank u so much! Kalau bukan birthday tak kol pon kan? Hehehehe.

Naqie called me and says; “sorry for not giving u any birthday gift… but anyway happy belated birthday.” --> belated?? Thanks for birthday song. Terharu sebentar. Thanks jugak sbb teman aku shopping di Pavillion.

Azlan called me --> thanks 4 call and remember my birthday.

zaifu says; "happy birthday" --> thanks 4 da song also!

abg epul says; "happy birthday eyra!!" --> thanks sebab nyanyi lagu birthday bersama2 houzmate abg yg ramai tuwh!
Rizwan says; “selamat hari jadi buat shera. Semoga di panjangkan umur. Dgn ucapan, sehat2 selalu, jalan mesti ke dpn bukan ke blakang. Happy birthday..takde hadiah nak send…”--> wow! Lama menghilang budak ni. Anyway thanks.

Adek epul says; “03 August 08-happy birthday to u… happy birthday to u… happy birthday to nor azri syahirah…happy birthday to u…epul nak wish happy bday kat akkak tersayang. epul harap akak dpanjangkan umur n murah rezeki. Sayang akak" --> thanks dik. Syg adek jugak.

Khasyfi called me --> thanks adek coz ingat bday akak.

Farhan says; “happy birthday…” --> ucapan dari Sabah yg jauh. Thanks!

Najib says; “epi besday…wish u all da besh. Ur bday present ada ngan aku. Xnak bg!” --> wek! ;p tamo bagi sudeyh….

Ayu says; “hepi besday to u…hepi besday, hepi besday, hepi besday to shira…” --> thanks sygg. Lagi bertambah syg aku pd ko kalu time aku balik umah sewa esok ade hadiah. Hahaha.
Feeza says; “happy besday shera…hadiah akan dtg, sebulan kemudian?” --> sebulan kah? Mengapa kah tidak setahun kemudian??

Abul says; “appy bornday…” --> thanks abul 4 still remember me…

ED says; “appy birthday” --> abg lambat! Sebagai denda….hadiah mesti ada!!

Ayep says; “apy burfday. Moga panjang umor and murah rezeki” --> ye lah ayep oit. Buli lah junior mu ini lagi sem ni.

Jef says; “happy birthday kat eyra…moga panjang umur n murah rezeki…” --> thanks jef!

Abg D says; “happy birthday. Semoga dilindungi tuhan selalu” --> insyaAllah…

Dharween sent me mms --> thanks 4 da birthday song!

Lina says; “sygg!! Hepy besday…moga2 dpt kurus…” --> mengong lah ko neh.

Abg farizwan says; “apy beday. Semoga segala impian adek tercapai.” --> thanks abg. Ingat jugak kat adek.

Ibu says; “happy birthday. Dah tua tak pyh dpt hadiah byk2. bkn artis pun…” --> lalalalalala….nak jugak!!

kak ima says; "epy beday...k.ima xde hadiah la nk bg. bajet lari! k.ima blnja burger xpun uatkan kek ok?" --> okayhh ajewk! bang...burger 10!

nuex says; "eh! ur bday today! astaghfirullah...terlupa. heppy bday!" -->thanks coz ingat lah jugak...hahaha...
farrah izyan says; "hello, happy birthday to you! hope you had a great one" --> thanks sygg! lalala...
faiz says; "hepi beday...moga sht sokmo" --> ko tu yg patot sehat sokmo. get well soon!
rick says; "i hope to be the last person 2 wish u happy birthday so dat u'll remember me till the other person wish u after me...hehehe...enjoy wif blast!" --> lambat btol u wish ea? last person kunun! hahaha...

All of them wished me happy birthday tonight; via phone call and sms! There’s many more who wished me also in YM! , myspace and friendster. And thanks for all who gave me the birthday gift. Really appreciate it guys!!

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