just for youu my deary. - ieyra.com

just for youu my deary.

6:47 am

dear yayunk,

I know that you have never being in love with me now, but I do feel a powerful connection to you. My heart broke when I found out that I would never see you after this, hear your voice, or be held in your arms and being cuddled. You always makes me feel like I was the only girl that you adore and give me he sweetest kisses. You show me on how to love insufficiently and even though there's no more love for me, I just want you to know that I love you more than words and feelings can show. I want you to know that I'm missing you and because my world is full with you and my world is only just for you. And even though we're not together once again, I will always found an empty place without you. It's feel so hard to let you go from my life, as I know I will always be thinking of you and looking at all the treasured photos I have of us together...

I love you so much, now and forever...

lots of love,
neyra.shazeyra ♥♥

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