Ranking blogger Malaysia - ieyra.com

Ranking blogger Malaysia

2:30 am

Blogging in Malaysia ranks among highest in the world

MALAYSIA has about 500,000 active bloggers, ranking the country among the highest in the world after Indonesia and the European Union, Utusan Malaysia reported.

According to Universiti Malaya media department lecturer, Dr Abu Hassan Hasbullah, this showed the power of blogs in influencing the thinking of the people, especially about politics.

He said blogs currently had a wide reach considering how many Internet users visited these sites everyday.

“Our research shows that 70% of the election results were influenced by information in the blogs,” he said.

Dr Abu Hassan said the ruling government could use blogs but pointed out that it would take a long time for it to be popular.

Full article : The Star


aku harap tiada siapa nak marah sebab aku memang suka share info-info macam ni. eh? abaikan. chillax lah semua ok? berbalik kepada artikel di atas. tahniah blogger-blogger Malaysia. ini lah baru dinamakan HIDUP SEORANG BLOGGER yang berjaya. teruskan berblogging dan jadikan blogging itu satu kerjaya ok? sudah merepek. peace!

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  1. semangat kecintaan kpd negara tu lebih penting :D we are Malaysian Bloggers..

  2. jgn ingt malaysia blogger tiada perpaduan.. suara mereka mampu menggegarkan dunia he..23x

    BroFramestone Blog
    @ Sudi-sudikan melawati BroFramestone In D' House

  3. i'm proud to be one of e Malaysian Blogger.
    even o update rarely. haha.

  4. rakyat malaysia semakin terdedah dengan pelbagai maklumat...

  5. rakyat malaysia selalu cipta ranking pelik2..pe pun ini menunjukkan kuasa blog lagik mantap di malaysia..yg kecik2 pun ade blog..

    proud to be one of Malaysian Blogger
    beri maklumat berinformasi

  6. yeah malaysia dah banyak blogger :)


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