12th Convocation Ceremony of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
12 years ago by Neyra Shazeyra 1 comment
Felix Baumgartner jumped from the edge of space and broke the world record! #livejump
12 years ago by Neyra Shazeyra 0 comment
Felix Baumgartner jumped from the edge of space! and broke the world record! not sure the exact figure, but i think 128K++ ft. wow! awesome man~~ Extreme athlete and daredevil Felix Baumgartner, jumped...
Ibadah Qurban di Kemboja
12 years ago by Neyra Shazeyra 0 comment
Hari Raya AidilAdha untuk tahun 2012 dah semakin hampir. beberapa hari je lagi kan? Hari Raya Haji tahun 2012 ni sesiapa yang nak buat korban dan aqiqah bolehlah buat tempahan Qurban di Kemboja...
Review: Taken 2
12 years ago by Neyra Shazeyra 1 comment
hi korunkkkkk *gegedik* lama betei tak update blog sampai bersawang. entah ada ke tak orang nak baca lagi kalau update. hiks. final semester at UTP now so sangat busy! tapi sempat je tengok...