Felix Baumgartner jumped from the edge of space and broke the world record! #livejump
11:52 amHe stands to have broken three records: the highest jump from a platform, the longest free fall without a drogue parachute and the highest vertical velocity.
oh actually I'm doing my assignment while waiting for Felix to jump. then, I'm done with my corporate communication assignment, still not jump yet and i decided to go to sleep.. then wokeup, because of the stomachache and saw Felix is not jump yet so I decided to wait again. LOL. Congratulation, Felix Baumgartner and Red Bull Startos! #livejump
so, here are the photos...all of them are my own photos, screenshot and keep screenshot because too bored. except photo number 1, 4, and 9. too lazy to put the watermark. I'm so sleepy already. good night!
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