blogrrr: Blogger Most Wanted 2013 - ieyra.com

blogrrr: Blogger Most Wanted 2013

11:00 pm

blogrrr: Blogger Most Wanted 2013 is an event to appreciate and acknowledge Malaysian blog writers in utilising information technology advancement in Malaysia and become the representative of Malaysia's voice in the virtual realm.

It is a unique gathering of bloggers and other social media community hailing from various interest, including personal and businesses. This event will provide a platform for the community to share knowledge and experiences as how to redefine what a blog is, and how it can influence people.

There will be 12 mini seminars during the event. Each topic will be very useful, practical, and informative to guide you in blogging acivities. This inaugural event will gather around 10,000 bloggers and visitors. This event will definitely be an eye opener for participants to gain the knowledge and exchange ideas, as well as foster business relationships.

Let's join! InsyaAllah I will be there too :')

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