McCafe Merdeka Coffee Promo Coupons - ieyra.com

McCafe Merdeka Coffee Promo Coupons

3:34 am

Happiness is a cup of delicious aromatic coffee and chocolate indulgence on this Merdeka week! Celebrate Merdeka with McCafe jom?

Sempena hari kemerdekaan Malaysia minggu ini, McCafe ada buat promosi harga runtuh untuk Iced Latte, Hot Latte and Iced Chocolate! Wow! 

Hot Latte (8oz) - RM2.50
Iced Chocolate (12oz) - RM2.50
Iced Latte (12oz) - RM1.95

Bagaimana nak redeem Merdeka Coffee ni? Anda cuma perlu download mobile coupons di link kat bawah ni, then tunjuk je kat akak cashier McCafe tu. Valid dari hari ini, 24 August 2015 sampai lah hari merdeka nanti, 31 August 2015. 

Keep Calm, and Celebrate Merdeka with McCafe!

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  1. Awesome . I wil start download those coupons NOW . Haha Thanks for sharing :D


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