Do you know that muslimah fashion is making a huge comeback in the local fashion arena in Malaysia? It is no surprise at all, as for the past few years we can see...
The MSMW Twitterhon is a 5 KM, un-timed race in which thousands of participants or Social Media Geek will have to snap picture, tweet, share and run along few different check points in...
Who is Country Club actually? Country Club Hospitality and Holidays is a 25-year-old India-based company operating primarily in the Middle East and in India with presence in Europe and Asia. Listed on the...
Discover a hidden world covering ten acres of lush tropical rainforest within a jungle previously “lost” to the public! This is now a reality as Sunway and Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) announce...
Do you know what is MIMMA? Yes, its Malaysian Invasion Mixed Martial Arts. And they are coming back soon for season 4! The fire is burning brighter, hotter than ever, with more innovative...
Lama tak tengok konsert kan?. Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Taufiq Hanafi (pelakon Ola Bola) invite saya untuk tengok konsert di ASWARA beberapa malam yang lepas. Entah macam mana entah boleh baik pulak dengan si...